U-Cursos is an Internet tool designed for academic uses. Student community can, easily, discuss about tests, marks or can upload files to study. Also it can organize the semester by posting messages on a common wall. For me U-Cursos, an Universidad de Chile website, has become a favorable source of certainty in my messy life. Secondly, Catálogo Bello, an electronics books search engine facilitates us to know required bibliography, their physic location and availability. If we’re lucky because a book has the “General Collection” category, we may ask it by RONDA, a service which takes the texts where they’re asked from.
miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009
A brief essay
U-Cursos is an Internet tool designed for academic uses. Student community can, easily, discuss about tests, marks or can upload files to study. Also it can organize the semester by posting messages on a common wall. For me U-Cursos, an Universidad de Chile website, has become a favorable source of certainty in my messy life. Secondly, Catálogo Bello, an electronics books search engine facilitates us to know required bibliography, their physic location and availability. If we’re lucky because a book has the “General Collection” category, we may ask it by RONDA, a service which takes the texts where they’re asked from.
viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009
Commenting the news
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009
Challenges in your discipline
Finally it is important make free the laws knowledge, it isn’t acceptable have to buy “Diario Oficial” as it is done in Chile. Here it is conceited that everybody knows laws, but it is hard to get it if is not free doing it.
miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009
Improving your faculty facilities
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009
Free time
My free time in a week depends on the tests I have, if there are not, I just assist to classes and share more moments with my classmates, without stress. By the nights, then I can read and study relaxed. On those weeks I have entire hours for me and for going out to know Santiago. To say them exactly, I have never counted them.
I don’t know if “wisely” is a good word to define how I use my free time, but I can say that now I have learned to invest it and not to waste it. To me, helping social risk kids is a very good way to share and give my free time; it is a way of doing what I am studying for.
In my free time I like to be with my familiy and friends, share great moments as more as I can because they are far away now. In Santiago I use my free time helping to kids from Lo Espejo at their studies. If I am not doing that I sleep or I share my time with university friends trying to relax myself.
If I had more free time, I think I would use it working at something to help my parents and family to get our project as group, mainly. Also I would like to have some volunteer works to take there my sister, so when I already don’t have more free time, she could continue a good work.
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009
Summary from a career-related article from The Guardian
UK to send more troops to Afghanistan, Gordon Brown confirms.
Wednesday 14 October. BST.-
Otherwise, Brown said that he was very moved about the lost men in the fighting place, giving a felt greeting to the families of them. To which it is added that the supporting of population to increase troops and keep war, measured by a Populus poll, has decreased from 36 % to 29 % in September.
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009
A world of Sport
The status that sport should have in a country is of a daily topic. I mean, having a Minister of Sports and Recreation. With this, it is pretended to give a real budget to promote it and make that every person in Chile has the right of sport and a free access to.
Every time I see people angry or stressed I wish I could invite them to run or dance. I would say them: “Don’t prefer to smoke, don’t prefer to eat, don’t prefer to get angry. Just prefer sports.”
There are some sports which have been stated as cruel and I hold it. For example “rodeo a la chilena” is just the demonstration of the habit of having fun damaging to someone else. It is like when a child makes fun of other one and the rest of friends enjoy that. While more suffers a cow, more points we gain.
Some other activities which should be eradicated is free fighting and All worth (Todo vale) where just one part takes benefits losing stress because of winning and the other one just has to go home bruised at all and with the defeat stress.
miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009
What to do and where to go in Santiago de Chile
What to do and where to go in Santiago? That is the question when we arrive for the first time in San Borja or Los Héroes terminus. With the little time I have lived here, I would recommend visiting places like La Moneda, Fantasilandia, Huelén and San Cristóbal hills, to the Zoo and many other places which aren’t in a native city. Obviously, what a tourist should do in Santiago, depends on where is he or she comes from. If a tourist is from other Chile region, he or she should travel by Metro, go to La Moneda, Farellones or El Cajón del Maipo, etc. Also a tourist should go to the tomb of a recognized Chilean, etc. If it was up to me, I would take a tourist to:
• Parque O’higgins to show them where is the place of Military Parade and where “ramadas” and “fondas” are in September.
• Fantasilandia, a place where we can have amusement with mechanic games and we can distract our minds.
• Huelén Hill, a beautiful place full of nature and peace. The exact spot where Pedro de Valdivia and Inés de Suárez arrived to conquer Chile. Also it is possible to see a good part of Santiago from the top of the hill.
• La Piojera, a place where you can happily celebrate drinking “Terremotos” (Earthquake, a cold drink that erases you from he world for five minutes, it is made of wine, pine ice cream and grenadine) and where it is also possible to relax and forget problems. A very popular place.
• Universidad de Chile, a place full of knowledge and with a very important space in Chile History. Beyond of being the best Chile university, this is which helped to get Chile independency in many ways, giving it professionals to the country. The Andrés Bello house is not to give it up if we do not know Santiago de Chile.
jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009
The role of Music
Music plays an important role in my life. First all because without it, life would be very sad; to me it is an escape way… a ticket to heaven. I like singing everywhere. Particularly I like listening to folk music or trova, I don’t have problems with other styles of music, but they both are my favorites. Usually I get my music from internet or from my friends compact discs. Also I like Chilean and Latin music, for example Silvio Rodríguez, Violeta Parra, Mercedes Sosa, Los Jaivas, etc. In general, I like music with social sense and if it is about love, it is of my preference that lyrics are deep: ¿Qué he sacado con querete? (What have I gotten loving you?) by Violeta Parra or El breve espacio en que no estás (The brief space where you are not) by Silvio Rodríguez. Everytime I am studing I play Silvio Rodríguez or Los Jaivas. When I am sad I make an exception and then I play Metallica or Guns and Roses. When I am very angry my favorite is Maldigo del Alto Cielo (High Heaven Curse) by Violeta Parra, the mother of Chilean music and the first Chilean rock star! But when I am happy I like whatever, every song is a good choice to smile. I have always thought that music is and must be an accompaniment, we also have poems, pieces of arts, etc., music is just a way of getting art, but it is not the only way. If we become it in a unique mode of art, we will forget the other ones.
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009
Transantiago: before and now
My opinion about Transantiago is that it’s a good Transport System compared with which I used in my region. Usually I’ve seen that
By television I watched that people were complaining for a low frequency of busses and by the way, the driver did not stop because it was impossible to transport any ant else. Now, I see more frequency. In this way I think that Transantiago has improved. When Transantiago started it was worse than before because it was a heavy change in the transport system and it wasn’t well implemented. Now it has been more implemented as with many kind of busses as with money. If on me it depended, I would write at every bus stop all the next and previous ones.
I’d like that the same money invested on Transantiago was invested on the regions transport system.
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009
A country I woud like to visit
martes, 23 de junio de 2009
Last Post!!
martes, 16 de junio de 2009
My ideal job
My ideal job would be near my home and family. In my case, I have parents at many places in Chile, so my ideal job would be one which has me traveling across the country but with an unique place where I have to stay a longer time. I would like to supervise how the job is improving in the different cities where my company works. I don’t know which institution I would join, but that is the direction I would like to take. The skills and qualities I need are mostly of direction and reporting because if there are branches offices, they can’t forget or lose which is the north of the Institution that we are representing eventually. I think I would be good at this job because sometimes I have taken works where I direct and the outcome has been successful; and because I like advising people about what it would be better at the best choice. Also I like traveling and knowing new places. Actually I think that it is not difficult to find jobs of that nature, when we have a new law for instance, we need to implement and train workers for they can make their job governed by this new eventual law. It would be easier in Santiago because here it is the center of political decisions, but from where I come, the task turns a little bit harder.
martes, 9 de junio de 2009
Hombre con Guitarra (Violeta Parra)
miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009
Ken Robinson
martes, 26 de mayo de 2009
Pamela Jiles
To know something else Pamela Jiles visit: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Jiles
martes, 5 de mayo de 2009
Public Administration
What professionals in my area contribute to society is professionalize the State, making that officials improve on methods and so improve on people’s quality of life, giving a main importance to maximize people benefits than to have few utilities invested on. The tools a professional will need are: good sense to find people’s problem, math skills, an understanding of society and much empathy.
My favorite subject in this first year is Fundamental Elements of Law; I really enjoy it and learn a lot.
As Public Administrators we can help to society below the State ceiling, especially when new-liberal and capitalist systems have showed us their complete incompetence regulating our lives.
martes, 28 de abril de 2009
The photograph I like
Plataforma activities
Your puppy fat has gone and you have your own place. I think this sentence means that when someone who is bothering or makes oneself feel uncomfortable goes away, we feel better and free.
martes, 21 de abril de 2009
A University website
I like this web because I can quickly know where I have to go and where not.
(23/30; 77%)
martes, 14 de abril de 2009
My favorite piece of technology
martes, 7 de abril de 2009
Siphon off