martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Pamela Jiles

I think that the best person in my field is Pamela Jiles. And I say that because I’ve seen that she’s the one woman who has been brave enough to say what she thinks and why she thinks it and because, like me, she doesn’t believe on that moral amnesty which Chilean people talks about or when they try to steal all the damage that Military Government did. She’s a journalist and writes articles in “The Clinic”, a daily left, where she warned her presidential candidacy. Pamela has written Fantasías Sexuales de Mujeres Chilenas, where she explains her feminist position and why it is relevant. She has also written about politics and televison scandals,for example Crimen bajo Estado de Sitio, 1986 with Maria Olivia Mönckeberg y María Eugenia Camus (Crime under State of Siege) and Maldita Farándula (Damn T.V. Entertainment), 2007 respectively. I like her for a reason very simple: she has my own political ideas and she’s a great professional that has been excluded from the political and journalist circle just because she says what she thinks and practice that wherever she can. That’s why I think she’s the best and whoever does whatever he or she thinks is always the best because in that way the person is making his or her own choice.
To know something else Pamela Jiles visit:

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Public Administration

I am studying this career because I think there are some areas at hands of private sector which shouldn’t be, for example Education, Water Rights, Health, Housing, Transport and other which should be at State hands completely or partial kind. And for that, Public Administrators are better at because our career is more integral and complex than just Laws, Economy or Political Sciences. Ours pick the necessary aspects of everyone and links the other ones in just one. A lawyer doesn’t always know about numbers, an economist doesn’t always know about laws, and a commercial engineer doesn’t always know about State.
What professionals in my area contribute to society is professionalize the State, making that officials improve on methods and so improve on people’s quality of life, giving a main importance to maximize people benefits than to have few utilities invested on. The tools a professional will need are: good sense to find people’s problem, math skills, an understanding of society and much empathy.
My favorite subject in this first year is Fundamental Elements of Law; I really enjoy it and learn a lot.
As Public Administrators we can help to society below the State ceiling, especially when new-liberal and capitalist systems have showed us their complete incompetence regulating our lives.